Pennsylvania Earns High Marks on Fighting Crime but Dismal Tax, Fiscal and Labor Ratings
New Report Ranks All PA Lawmakers – Most Expansive Vote Record Analysis Ever Published

WASHINGTON, DC – A new analysis of the Pennsylvania legislature – including the most comprehensive federal and state lawmaker scorecard ever produced – has found Pennsylvania lawmakers have the most conservative voting records on issues relating to crime and security, but very liberal records when it comes to tax, fiscal and labor policy. The report just released by the Institute for Legislative Analysis (ILA) is based on over 13,000 votes cast by Pennsylvania lawmakers last year at both the federal and state level.

The analysis evaluated lawmaker voting across the full spectrum of policy and rated each lawmaker on a 100-0 scale. On Local and National Security (fighting crime) lawmakers voted with limited government and conservative principles (i.e. protecting property rights) 62.50% of the time at the federal level and 67.88% within the state legislature. However, on workforce and labor issues lawmakers voted with the limited government position a dismal 35.83% and 35.77% at the federal and state levels.

“While Pennsylvania lawmakers need to step up their game on enacting sound tax, fiscal and labor policy, it is great to see their strong commitment to restoring law-and-order across our communities,” said ILA CEO Ryan McGowan. Some noteworthy accomplishments last session included strengthening protections for crime victims and standing strong against so-called criminal justice “reforms” which have led to skyrocketing crime rates and are being advanced across the nation by radical left-wing billionaires through their funding of advocacy organizations on both sides of the political aisle.

The Institute for Legislative Analysis presented 73 state lawmakers with its Charlie Gerow Award for Limited Government Ratings of 80% and above. Additionally, 39 lawmakers earned the “Big Government Extremist” title for their ratings of 10% and below on the scorecard.

The ILA serves as the data and policy hub for multiple national conservative and liberty-minded organizations. Prior to the launch of the ILA, the team previously served together for nearly a decade at CPAC and the American Conservative Union where they constructed the nation’s first 50 state legislative scorecard.


Institute for Legislative Analysis – 300 Independence Ave SE Washington, DC 20003 – (301-542-2399)